Posts in Parenthood
Evelyn's bow is from Loved by Sophia Claire & her onsie is from Jean & June

Evelyn's bow is from Loved by Sophia Claire & her onsie is from Jean & June

As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I panicked about how to find a balance between the "family life" I wanted my child to have and the business that had become my other "baby". For years, I had put my all into my company but I knew that things were going to have to change. I figured I would work to create a balance and we would all live happily ever after.

Looking back on it, I was pretty naive about the whole thing. There is a reason there are a million books, TV specials, podcasts, and a bazillion other blog posts dedicated to women trying to find a balance. For me, at this point in our journey, I've decided there is no balance. It's awful to hear that I'm sure, but realizing that there was no "balanced life" to chase anymore has been incredibly freeing to me. 

I've realized that the days of going to bed at midnight aren't even close to being over. Even though Evelyn has slept through most nights from 12 weeks, my work is what keeps us up till the wee hours in the morning. And that's not going to change anytime soon. Just like Evelyn's 7AM wake up call in the morning. 

There are going to be some days where I'm going to be a better mom than a business woman, just like there are going to be days where I'm a kick-ass business woman and a minimally patient mom. But what I have decided, is that I will be intentional about my time. 

When I am with my daughter, I will be dedicated to making that time "quality time" with her. I won't be checking my cell phone while she's distracted, I won't be answering emails while she eats her lunch. I will be there to soak it all up and let her know that for that moment, I am all hers. 

Unfortunately, there are times where I can't be that. It's sucky to write that and I wish I could always be there. But I have also realized that by pursuing my dreams and showing her what determination and dedication looks like, it's beneficial for her too. Even though, let's be real, it won't always feel like that. But, just like I said earlier, I am going be intentional with my time in my business as well. I am working to become more streamline, more efficient and more organized. I am also limiting the amount of projects I take on that don't directly impact my business positively. 

My time has always been valuable but now that I have Evelyn, where every day, hour, minute seems like she's growing in front of my eyes, it's invaluable. I want to be a good mother but I can't kill myself trying to be a perfect mom and a perfect business woman 24 hours a day because I won't do well at either if I try that.

If you are a business owner and momma, how are you handling the "balance". Anyone have any tips?